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Prairie du Chien Bald Eagle Appreciation Days 2025

Join us on Friday night at Country Inn & Suites for a presentation by Ty Smedes from 6-9 pm. Then stop out to Hoffman Hall (1600 S. Wacouta Ave, Prairie du Chien) to see LIVE raptors and a LIVE eagle!!

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days Schedule

Bald Eagle Coloring Contest

The Bald Eagle Coloring Contest is open to any child in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. Completed pages can be dropped off at Hoffman Hall the day of the event or at the Chamber Office prior to the event. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded in each grade level.

Where to Find Eagles in PdC

Birding Conditions/Report

March 10: At sunset tonight there were at least 30 turkey vultures in their favorite roosting trees in Prairie du Chien a couple of blocks north of the Fort Crawford Museum on Beaumont Road. This roost is used early in the season as the boughs of the spruce trees provide good cover if it is cold and/or windy.
March 9: Gremore Lake north of Prairie du Chien has over 200 bald eagles and over 300 white pelicans on or adjacent to the lake. Lots of birds flying over. At my feeder this morning in Prairie du Chien one Brewer's Blackbird made a 4 minute stop.
March 6: At noon today 94 bald eagles were on Gremore Lake 3 miles north of Prairie du Chien along Cty Rd K (Main St in town). Another 20 eagles were seen flying over heading north. Other migrants in the area include waterfowl near the Campion Boat Landing off US 18 on the south side of Prairie du Chien. Waterfowl including divers like buffleheads and canvasbacks and puddle ducks like greenwing teal and wigeon were seen from the boat landing. A few robins, killdeer, and red-wing blackbirds are in the area. Tonight I will check La Riviere Park for woodcock.

Note: Please view bald eagles from a distance and try not to disturb them in any way.

Learn About Bald Eagles

Video: Hallie Rasmussen of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge discusses bald eagles in the area.

Video: Amy Ries of the Raptor Research Project discusses the habits of bald eagles with Dan Moris.

Area Information

Looking for more information about places to stay, eat, and shop in Prairie du Chien? Contact the Prairie du Chien area Chamber of Commerce!


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